Hendricks Amazonia Gin 1 Ltr
Our most exotic release, the fresh vibrant notes characteristic of native jungle flora finely accentuates HENDRICK’S signature combination of Cucumber and Rose.
HENDRICK’S AMAZONIA GIN is fiendishly good in cocktails, and especially so in the following gin classics: HENDRICK’S AMAZONIA’S freshness enlivens the Gimlet; All punches are invigorated by the fresh, verdant flavour profile; The Pina Colada is given a new scintillatingly exotic depth:
HENDRICK’S AMAZONIA is a thrilling gin base for the Espresso Martini for the seductively rich combination of coffee and our gin’s tropical notes.
It is also utterly out-of-this-world for the beloved Corpse Reviver and sublime Tom Collins, two wonderfully unique gin cocktails.
Abv 43.4% 1 Litre